CALinnovates Applauds Congressional Vote for Bono Mack Resoultion

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Mike Montgomery
(415) 494-8626

CALinnovates Applauds Congressional Vote for Bono Mack Resolution Opposing International Governance of the Internet

Coalition says Bono Mack’s warning to UN on Internet regulation has parallel in California

SAN FRANCISCO—Today, CALinnovates commends California Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack’s leadership and Congress’s action to support a hands-off-the-Internet resolution. The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed H. Con. Res. 127, introduced by Bono Mack, by bipartisan, unanimous vote on June 20.Bono Mack’s resolution is aimed at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the telecom regulatory entity of the United Nations. CALinnovates observed that the resolution is in the same spirit of California’s SB 1161, which aims to keep the Internet free of regulation. The California State Senate passed SB 1161 and the legislation is now before the State Assembly. In a statement released today, CALinnovates Executive Director Mike Montgomery said:

“International entities are ready to take a run at imposing control over worldwide Internet services and infrastructure. Allowing this overreach would blunt the innovative freedom that has been central to the Internet industry’s evolution. Freedom and online innovation have led to tremendous consumer benefits, job creation and economic growth.”

Montgomery added, “CALinnovates supports policies that ensure the full benefits of the high-tech sector are realized in California and we believe that policies that encourage growth, investment, and competition are just as critical in the international arena as they are in California. In California and worldwide, consumers deserve the opportunities for more choices and access to the benefits of new technology and innovators need the freedom to innovate. That is why here in California we oppose policies that impose unnecessary regulations on Internet-based services that would undermine investment and job creation in our state.”

“We continue to support SB 1161 that reassures high-tech innovators, consumers, and investors that California’s government will preserve a free and open Internet. By the same measure, we join Rep. Bono Mack in support of keeping international government entities out of the business of the Internet and continuing to encourage the investment and innovation that benefits all worldwide.”
